

Look Away, A Valentine (Firefly, Cambridge, MA, 1982)

Jack's Picture of Sunshine (Early Man, Newton, MA, 1985; audiotape)

Slow Moving Pictures (Score, Pullman, WA, 1993) [for a review of this title see TapRoot Reviews #6, 1995]

Rainfall Data at Ocala (Artemis, Corning, NY, 1993)

A Songbird in Igor's Yard (tel-let, Charleston, IL, 1994) [for a review of this title see TapRoot Reviews #7/8, 1995]

Threading the Needle With Red (tel-let, Charleston, IL, 1994; translations of Ikkyu [medieval Japan])

For [Da] (tel-let, Charleston, IL, 1995) [for a review of this title see TapRoot Reviews #9/10, 1996]

Reality Slices (Runaway Spoon, Port Charlotte, FL, 1996)

Self-Portrait with Demons (Runaway Spoon, Port Charlotte, FL, 1997)

HALF LIFE (Score, Pullman, WA, 1999)

Points on a Hazard Map (Runaway Spoon, Port Charlotte, FL, 1999)

Long Shot: An Autobiography of a Distant Friend (Score, Moscow, ID, 2005)

Grave Dalliances (Bookgirl, Sendai, Japan, 2008)

If the Garden Does Not Rain (Runaway Spoon, Port Charlotte, FL, 2009)

60 Tomatoes (Bookgirl, Sendai, Japan, in association with Angel-Backed Enterprises, Lawrence, KS, 2011)

Tap Routines Done Barefoot (Runaway Spoon, Port Charlotte, FL, 2012)

Raps & Cracks (Written in Imitation of Rhapsodies & Rounds) (Horizon Tracts, New York, NY, in association with Bookgirl, Sendai, Japan, 2013)

To Listen and to Look: Previously Uncollected and New Work (Artemis, Elmira, NY, and Horizon Tracts, New York, NY, 2016)

A Daybook of Sketches, a Sketchbook of Days (Artemis, New York, NY, in association with Horizon Tracts, New York, NY, 2018)

(Hermeneutical) Relationships (Angel-Backed Enterprises, Brooklyn, NY, in cooperation with Horizon Tracts, New York, NY, 2020)

18 Letters to Santa from John Vieira (with 4 Polaroids of Santa Apparitions) (Bookgirl, Sendai, Japan, in cooperation with Horizon Tracts, New York, NY, 2020)

I Make Really Very Little Money (Angel-Backed Enterprises, Brooklyn, NY, in connection with Horizon Tracts, New York, NY, 2022)

a town’s local stories; &, kids on the run; &, i gave myself to poetry & poetry gave itself to me; &, making a novel dog house . . . (Artemis, New York, NY, in association with Horizon Tracts, New York, NY, 2023)

The Fiery Core to Which This Periphery Holds (Angel-Backed Enterprises, Brooklyn, NY, in cooperation with Horizon Tracts, New York, NY, 2024)

Some of these titles (and others) are available through,, afterwords (Canada), or at your local bookseller (through special order). If you can't find these titles at your local bookstore or online elsewhere, you can order here, just print out the form, fill it in, and postal mail with payment. The above titles not listed on the form are out of print.


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